Initial Consultation

You will probably have lots of questions you would like answered. The initial consultation is a relaxed “get together” where we can discuss what it is you would like to achieve, what your best hopes are for your future and how hypnotherapy/coaching blended with other therapies can help.

I will gather basic information such as your contact details and any other important information to help assess the best way to meet your needs.

I will provide you with a full explanation of the process with your specific needs in mind so that you have all the information you need to help you decide if therapy or coaching is right for you. We will even have a chat about how the mind works!

The initial consultation is free and lasts approximately 30 minutes and we can chat face-to-face, virtually or by phone, whatever suits you best.


Your Sessions

My aim is to work with you in a shared partnership so that we can work with your personal issues together, to enable you to improve your quality of life and feel the freedom it affords with the outlook of a positive future.

Everyone is an individual and we all deal with the challenges that life gives us in different ways. This is an intensive approach to problem solving and goal attainment that supports you to get to where you want to be, in the quickest possible time but at the same time at a pace that is right for you. This means that it is difficult to say how many sessions you may need but we can discuss this at the initial consultation.

Therapy sessions can be face-to-face at my practice or by video conferencing (Zoom). Each therapy session lasts approximately 60 minutes but could be a little less or more depending on the need at the time. During the first session we will explore where you are at now and where you want to be. After that we will develop a personalised programme just for you.
In most cases, I will provide you with a relaxation recording which I would encourage you to listen to regularly between sessions. This can support your progress as you take small steps to make big changes.


If you would like to take your first step and have a chat, please get in touch and we can book an initial consultation.

I very much look forward to hearing from you.
