How different could life be if those negative thoughts that go round and round in your head were more controllable? Those constant horrible feelings in the pit of your tummy were gone, the feelings of wanting to run away from it all no longer a problem?

Panic attacks can happen any time or following specific triggers. They are very frightening, sudden and intense. One of the symptoms is rapid breathing, which in turn can trigger feelings of weakness, confusion, cramps and pain. Sometimes the individual thinks they are having a heart attack and are going to die, as the symptoms can appear quite similar to them.

Stress and Anxiety can be the cause of many physical problems such as migraine, severe headaches, high blood pressure, weight changes and can affect our ability to control pain.

How can therapy help manage stress, anxiety and panic attack?

Hypnotherapy together with other interventions can be extremely effective for managing stress by helping you to change your reactions to situations or events.

We will focus on where you want to be and that could be doing those things you once enjoyed doing and want to do again, starting something new or feeling calm, relaxed and confident in your day to day life. How amazing would that be?

It is important that if you experience any physical symptoms that could indicate a physical problem you should contact your GP before contemplating therapy.

If you would like to take your first step and have a chat, please get in touch and we can book an initial consultation.

I very much look forward to hearing from you.
