Hypnotherapy and NLP is a safe and gentle way of supporting us to overcome life’s challenges by helping us to think, feel and act in a more positive way. So, why so many fears, myths and misconceptions?

Hopefully, some of your questions are answered here.


Can everybody be hypnotised?

Everyone has the ability to be hypnotized and this is because we quite naturally enter a state of hypnosis several times a day through our environment. Hypnosis is a relaxed state of focused attention and we can enter hypnotic states and daydream when, for example, we are doing something mundane like folding the laundry, or we can get so engrossed in reading a book or watching a film that we are unaware of time passing. In the therapeutic setting you are guided into a similar state where the discussions and aims in the first part of the session (psychotherapy) are directed towards your subconscious mind to help you change unhelpful thought patterns into positive ones.


Will I be under the Therapists control?

Hypnotherapists are people who have trained in the science and art of hypnotherapy. You will always be in control because you cannot be hypnotised against your will. So, hypnosis does not mean you will lose control but conversely you will gain control – what you may lose is lose stress, fear, anxiety etc!


Will I say things I don’t want anyone to know?

Sometimes people are scared to consider hypnotherapy because they believe that during hypnosis the Hypnotherapist will be able to hoodwink them into revealing things about themselves that they would not want them or anyone else to know. During hypnosis the subconscious mind is extremely focused and would not allow you to share anything against your will. You always maintain free will.


Will I remember anything afterwards?

Everybody experiences hypnosis differently and each session will be experienced in a different way too. People remember in different ways, so some may remember every word, while others remember bits and some hardly remember anything at all. You always remember some of it though, it might only be the beginning and the end but that doesn’t really matter. It is no different to life in general. When you think about it – do you always remember all the details of a film you have watched or everything you and a friend have said over a cup of coffee? You don’t do you? When relaying the story in a book you will often hear yourself saying that you cannot remember quite whether one bit came before or after another and may miss out chunks of it altogether! What you will remember about your hypnosis session are elements of it and that’s absolutely ok!


How long will it take to work?

You are likely to notice a difference after the first session. Some issues can be dealt with in 3 sessions whilst others may take longer. We can discuss this at your FREE initial consultation.


Is there any proof that it works?

The effectiveness of hypnotherapy and NLP has been proved over and over again. Research into this area has been about for a long, long time. Aspects of hypnotherapy continue to be explored as with all treatments and therapies. It has been endorsed by organisations such as The British Medical Association and The British Psychological Society as well as similar organisations in America (AMA and APA) for definitive issues.



If you would like take your first step and have a chat or dive straight in and book an Initial Consultation, please get in touch.
