Terms and Conditions


Partnership Working

You will find client testimonials demonstrating successes using Hypnotherapy. However, I am unable to guarantee 100% success to individuals. This is because Hypnotherapy is about us working together to get the best outcome for you and what you want in life

Arriving Late:

Please let me know as soon as possible if you think you may be late. I will try my best to provide you with a full session but this is dependent on subsequent commitments that I may have.


Sometimes, life happens and rearrangements need to be made. If you need to cancel a session please give 24-hours notice via email, text or telephone so that we can make other arrangements and no charges will be made.

Early Termination of Therapy:

It is important that you are in control of your own therapeutic progress. Each week, we will discuss progress and your next appointment. Providing it is in accordance with the terms of cancellation you can terminate the course of therapy at any time (unless you have purchased a set programme). If I terminate therapy for whatever reason, I may offer to refer you to another Solution Focused Hypnotherapist.


Hypnotherapy sessions are private, professional and confidential. However, there are exceptions to be aware of in order to protect you and the people around you. If you told me that you were going to carry out harm to you or someone else I would be obliged by law under “Duty of Care” to inform the relevant authorities. Please see Privacy Policy.


Payments can be made in cash at the end of each session or by bank transfer in advance.